Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hi From the Provo MTC

Hey Mom, Hey Laddie (I think this is your email.) It's James it is my P-day so I got to set up and email account! It is for family only but I was thinking it would be a good fast way for me to communicate to you and the family. (the best and quickest way for everyone else is still But family news letters are more than welcome as well as other emails.

I can accept emails from non family i will just need a physical address to reply. So feel free to give it out to family and friends.Anyway I hope everything is going well for you, and the family. I just got out of a temple session and it was such a good session.

I am absolutely loving the MTC here. I am more excited though to be off to Guatemala in 12-13 days. I got a notice that all my visa stuff is done and ready. (really I don't need one to travel to Guatemala so I should be out of Provo in a couple of weeks. I will miss it though part of me really likes being close to home and familiar with everything. (kind of a prideful thing to show off to the other missionaries) Yess!! I know I need to be humble so going to Guatemala will be fantastic for me! LOL Anyway another thing I will miss is the food here in the MTC sometimes it can be really good sometimes not so good but I am sure in Guatemala the food won't be the same at all. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

So more news about me and mission I am learning the language quite well...I feel I am behind but my teachers, Brother Pace, and Brother Peterson tell me I am moving along very fast and coming along quite well. So I hope I am ready to be in a SPANISH ONLY MTC in two weeks. ;)

Um...don't know what else to really say. Things are going so great here, you can feel the spirit almost non-stop. And the speakers and firesides are so amazing, we get the best speakers. The other day we had a member of the seventy come...I cant remember what his name was but it was such a good talk. He told us to NOT BE STUPID!!! (yes, in those words) I am developing a love and understanding for and of the Book of Mormon that I have never felt before and I am so grateful for that.

Ahh...I have a time limit and am typing really fast I don't really know what to say!!!!Well I will write you actual letters tonight...Laddie I lost your address but if you send me something through ( is a free service that gets letters to me the same day!!! It will work in Guatemala as well and as far as I know while I am in the MTC there too) It is the most reliable way to send letters to me there...and is from what I have heard even better then email. (the email in Guatemala is SOOOOOO SLOW)

I will get it that way and write you and Tommy back asap! Mom you can expect a letter REALLY SOON!!! Write me BACK!!! I LOVE LETTERS AND HAVEN'T GOTTEN VERY MANY!! (And I am trying to prove that I am the most loved missionary in my district, so far I haven't proved it...) :'( LOL but its all good I know you are all busy but I do love hearing from you!!! So as soon as you get free time it is fine by me! Tell everyone to write me!! And I will look for your letters.

Again I hope everything is going well you are all in my prayers and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!My mom has my address I don't right now...but I am not sure if you really need it to send me dearelder letters they work it out but My mom will give it out to everyone and my PO box here is 258!!

Elder James Matthew Briggs